Information Technologies: Article on Global Warming 4 (800 words)

Article on Global Warming 4 (800 words)

Article on Global Warming 4 (800 words)

Global Warming is an ongoing process of increased temperature of earth, ocean and sea’s surface area due to increased number of green house gases in atmosphere. Green house gases are those gases which trap sun heat and reflect it towards earth. Major green house gases are Carbon Dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Nitrous oxide or Methane.
How the situation arise:
This unwanted situation of Global Warming has risen due to some natural and some human made activities. Naturally it originates from the available green house gases in atmosphere like Carbon dioxide, Methane, Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide. These gases have feature of absorbing heat coming from sun which provides warmness on the earth surface area. But when these gas increases rapidly due to some objectionable acts by human; then a huge environmental problem emerges in front of us in form of Global Warming. Many reasons are there by which number of green house gases increase in atmosphere like:
The process of deforestation, which results decline in number of trees available on earth surface, increases the rate of Carbon dioxide in air as trees are the best absorber of CO2 and generates oxygen. After that, many other processes by humankind causes emission of carbon dioxide like burning of fossil fuel, coal and other natural gases for getting fuel for transportation and producing electricity. When green house gases trap sun heat which increases temperature of earth surface area, results Global Warming. Due to warmness over oceans, water drops of oceans become vapour which is further an absorber of heat thus again it increases situation of Global Warming.
Why should we afraid of Global Warming:
This international global problem may result disaster in future for our environment and earth. Disaster situation of melting glaciers, Tsunami, earthquake, jet stream, tropical cyclones, flood or drought may come anytime in any area of earth. Global warming results in form of different climate change, uncertain rainfall, increased heat on earth and also water impurity and unavailability of quality food.
In what areas it would affect on earth:
Global warming has made a combined impact on all environmental system like its weather, land, oceans, trees, icecaps, glaciers, earth ground or also on our social system. A huge change in weather can be seen as the impact of Global Warming. More hot days and warm nights would be in coming days due to Global Warming, a significant increment in summer season, decreased winter season, increasing temperature, jet stream, uncertain rain without season, melting ice caps, heavy intensity storms and earthquake, tropical cyclones, flood, drought, and many other side effects are really harmful for our natural environment.
Solutions to control this environmental crisis:
Forest management
Management and caring of forest should be the prime duty of us. To save environment it is needed to protect our trees and let them grow so that it may help in reducing the level of carbon dioxide from the air.
Energy efficient technology
In spite of using electricity at home for lighting, cooling operating equipments which generate carbon dioxide, apply energy efficient technology for getting the better results in terms of more power, better service and increased saving.
Transportation modification:
Various technical modifications have been done to save environment from the unwanted emission of carbon dioxide in atmosphere. Transportation is the huge source where more carbon dioxide is emitted due to burning of fossil fuels or coal gases. Efficient transportation system should be implemented to save much emission of CO2 in atmosphere such as launching new way of transportation with low carbon fuels.
Renewal energy sources should be promoted
Use of renewal energy sources should be promoted in order to keep our natural resources for long time and to make balance in environment by the less emission of Carbon dioxide, a green house gas which causes the Global Warming.
Spread Awareness:
Awareness is much required among people about the hazardous result of Global Warming. Until each and every person would not understand the importance of our natural resources, we would not be able to fight against this environmental crisis of Global Warming.
Though, currently almost each and every people is aware of this crisis of Global Warming but still only few groups of people is taking it seriously; which is a major cause that why we are living under the fear of Global Warming. If each and every person starts doing efforts for the safety of our environment, we would definitely see the positive results soon.

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